Erik Isaac
Shubhra Raje
Erik Isaac
Mike Keene
Schylur Madden
Shubhra Raje
Erik Isaac

"deep red space-objects and the theatre of conversations"
The design for the Untitled Art Show Studio fuses a compact plan with an expressive surface that cloaks the walls, floors and ceiling to create a distinctive object that is perceived to be inserted into the existing space of the Museum of Outdoor Arts. The storefront facing the existing conference room is a frameless plane of glass, recessed into the existing floor and ceiling planes to diminish the sense of boundary, and the new “inserted” object setback from this storefront by 16” to allow the studio to appear to extend into the conference room.
The attention of the guests of the show, and visitors during the day to the conference room, is drawn immediately to the studio space-object. Drawing inspiration from both, the structure of an artist’s canvas, as well as that of the face of an audio speaker, the surfaces of the studio space is made of panels of fabric wrapped frames, mounted into place. The deep red color, meanwhile, is selected, to allude to the theatre of the conversations that take place each week. The surface performs various functions: as definition, as acoustic damper, as visual seduction. The 1/2” continuous horizontal reveals induces a gentle horizontal vertigo, which seen through the glass storefront, serves as a visual attractor from the conference room. The vitality of the architectural surface and color becomes the studio’s advertisement.