Shubhra is invited to speak at the Indian Council of Architecture’s Faculty Development Program organised through the Mysore School of Architecture.
Shubhra is invited as part of a four member jury for the 2024-25 cycle of The Merit List, an initiative by Matter and supported by Takshila Educational Society to recognise projects of critical relevance in terms of design and thought in the context of contemporary architecture in India.
Shubhra is invited as a panelist and instructor at the Modern Architecture Conservation in India workshop, organised by the INTACH Heritage Academy in collaboration with the Getty Conservation Institute.
Shubhra is invited to speak at the Heritage Committee & Rural Council Conference, Kilcreggan, Scotland on the role care and repair plays in a thoughtful, sustainable, and responsive approach to placemaking that prioritises maintenance, longevity, and the well-being of both people and environments.
Shubhra is inducted as a member to the International Committee of Architectural Critics (CICA).
Shubhra is invited to speak by Laajverd at their Fragile Heritage Ecologies program’s Scholarship of Making lecture series.
Laajverd is an interdisciplinary collective with a focus on the intersections of culture, art and architecture, based out of Rawalpindi (Pakistan).
Shubhra’s review of Gandhi’s Places: An Architectural Documentation edited by Neelkanth Chhaya, Riyaz Tayyibji and Tridip Suhurd is published in the India Forum.
Gandhi’s Places’ introduces us to the places Gandhi is associated with, the built environments he inhabited and engendered. Titled “Inhabiting drawings, drawing inhabitations”, this review looks at the manner of this introduction, the choices made in documenting them and the implications for the cultivation of what is significant and worth looking after.
Shubhra is invited to speak at the CEPT University’s Foundation Program lecture series. Her lecture, Drawing to Find Out, introduces first-year (freshmen) students to drawings as a tool for inquiry, discovery, and understanding, emphasising its role in both design thinking and creative exploration.
The Museum and ‘Modern Heritage’: the Case of Sanskar Kendra, Ahmedabad, co-authored by Shubhra Raje and Riyaz Tayyibji is published in Conservation and the Indian City: Bridging the Gap. Bharne, Vinayak and Poonam Mascarenhas, editors. INHAF (Jan, 2023).
Lecture titled, “Ways of Seeing, ways of thinking, ways of building” by Shubhra at the L-Studio, Bangalore.
Shubhra is invited as panelist for the symposium, “Agency Matters”, organised at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Drawing[s] from Raje: the patient search for architecture, curated by Shubhra Raje, opens at the Bangalore International Centre (BIC).
A lecture, followed by a discussion with architect Soumitro Ghosh (MatthewGhosh Architects), was also hosted by the BIC as part of the event.
Shubhra is invited to the Council of Architecture (India) lecture series at the Wadiyar Centre for Architecture, Mysore and at the East Zone chapter, CoA, Patna. Her lecture “Ways of Thinking, Ways of Building” explores the deep relationship between architectural thought and construction, emphasizing context, materiality, and social engagement in shaping the built environment.
Shubhra is invited to speak at the CEPT University’s Foundation Program lecture series. Her lecture, Drawing to Find Out, introduces first-year (freshmen) students to drawings as a tool for inquiry, discovery, and understanding, emphasising its role in both design thinking and creative exploration.
Shubhra is invited by the RV College of Architecture, Bangalore, for a lecture focusing on the Nature of Institutions.
Karuna Stories: power of gentleness & grace published by the Olive Ridley Collective Publications.
An anthology of visual stories from the covid pandemic, the book is co-edited by Shubhra Raje with Gauri Raje and Susmita Mohanty.
Shubhra is invited by MAD Salon, and its co-founder Dr. Susmita Mohanty, to introduce Anant Raje’s sketches and through them, his architecture.
Shubhra, along with Sarosh Anklesaria and Riyaz Tayyibji, is interviewed by Vikramaditya Prakash, Professor of Architecture at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA on, dedicated to the task of undisciplinizing architecture. The two-part conversation concerns the issues raised by developments at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM) concerning the possible demolition of its student dormitories on a campus designed by Louis Kahn and Anant Raje.
Notes on empathy, engagement and the culture of maintenance, co-authored by Shubhra Raje, Sarosh Anklesaria and Riyaz Tayyibji published in Indian Daily,
Liminal, an immersive online theatrical experience, is chosen as one of three finalists by the Denver Centre for Performing Arts (DCPA) for their Off-Centre Program optioned for development. This project is a joint collaboration between Shubhra and theatre-makers Mare Trevathan and Eric Eyl.
Towards a critical project and a project of critique: situation Sangath / semester end symposium at the CEPT University hosted by Shubhra Raje & Kevin Low with invited critics Surya Kakani, Catherine Desai and Riyaz Tayyibji.
SEA Dissertation Symposium, Mumbai / Invited Critic
Shubhra is interviewed by Vikramaditya Prakash, Professor of Architecture at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA on, dedicated to the task of undisciplinizing architecture. It seeks a way to bring new imaginings to how we live. The conversation focuses on Shubhra’s modernist ancestry and how it has been formative in her own architectural and creative identity.
Shubhra is invited as a panelist for the session on Diverse Practices in India and Beyond as part of the Women in Design 2020+ organised by the Hecar Foundation.
Shubhra is invited as a keynote speaker, and panelist, at the annual AESA Conference. The 2020 conference was themed as Celebrating the Legacy of Modern Masters, and Shubhra’s lecture was focused on the practice of architect Anant Raje.
Shubhra is invited as a guest critic to the M. Arch Design Thesis presentations at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
Shubhra’s essay, Field Notes: Self-sufficiency, Dependence & Ecology Design after Covid-19, is published in STIR world.
Shubhra is invited as a guest critic to the M. Arch Design Thesis presentations at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
Conversation between architects Brinda Somayya and Shubhra Raje on Practice, interdependence and the architectural imagination hosted by the Council of Architecture (India).
Winners of the Karuna Stories Visual Storytelling Competition announced. The competition was conceived and conducted by Shubra Raje, along with Susmita Mohanty, Ruchita Madhok and studiocarbon.
Shubhra is invited as a keynote speaker on a symposium on Resilience in/by Design, at the Manipal International Symposium on Design 2020 in Dubai (UAE), an annual conference organized in partnership with Arcasia.
Shubhra is an invited speaker at the India Arch Dialogues 2018. The theme of the conference was Moments in Architecture, exploring architecture, photography and their respective intentions and interdependence.
Shubhra is an invited speaker at the conference on Critical Practice in an Age of Complexity, organized by AMPS, University of Arizona, Tuscon
Shubhra is invited to speak at the international conference “Paradox to Paradigm: Architecture in the Age of Network Soceity”, hosted by the Smt. Manoramabai Mundle College of Architecture (SMMCA), Nagpur.
Shubhra is invited as a keynote speaker and panelist at the KRVIA Dissertation Colloquiem, Mumbai
Shubhra is one of the keynote speakers at the annual National Association of Students of Architecture (NASA) zonal convention in Tumkur.
Shubhra is interviewed by Matter. for ‘Drawing to Find Out’, their annual curated column on drawing in architecture and its relationship with the design process.
Conceived and directed by Shubhra Raje and Denver-based theatremaker Mare Trevathan, ReFresh: CEPT devised theatre performance staged at the CEPT University Campus. The performance is the culmination of a two week interdisciplinary workshop with the students of the university.
Shubhra is invited by the Akshara Foundation for a lecture on the practice of Anant Raje. Her lecture is titled “Follow the Yellow Brick Block: Themes in the work of Anant Raje”.
Hall of Nations Transposed!, an online curated initiative co-authored and curated by Shubhra Raje & Anand Bhatt for is
Shubhra is invited as a panelist at the Kurula Varkey Design Forum 2017, Ahmedabad
Conceived and directed by Shubhra Raje and Denver-based theatremaker Mare Trevathan, ReFresh: DAVA devised theatre performance staged at the Downtown Aurora Visual Arts in Aurora, CO. In collaboration with the Local Theatre Company, Boulder, the performance was the culmination of a week-long workshop with the DAVA youth in their job-training program.
USGBC Lecture